Napus rape brassica napus var. Oleracea followed by chromosome doubling a process known as allopolyploidy. Brassica Napus Brassica Plants Garden Oilseed rape brassica napus was formed 7 500 years ago by hybridisation between b. Brassica napus . Click below on a thumbnail map or name for subspecies profiles. Together with more ancient polyploidizations this conferred an aggregate 72x genome multiplication since the origin of angiosperms and high gene content. It is included within the brassiceae tribe which consists of 9 subtribes 48 genera and 240 species oecd 2012. Abstract oilseed rape brassica napus l was formed 7500 years ago by hybridization between b. Die schnittkohl brassica napus subsp. The plants database includes the following 2 subspecies of brassica napus. Oleracea followed by chromosome doubling a process known as allopolyploidy. Rape subordinate taxa. Brassica napus brassica napus is a self compatible species displaying a high degree of self pollinat...