Whereas in a cmyk color space it is composed of 0 cyan 8 3 magenta 63 5 yellow and 29 black. Because of the copper content in brass wearing brass jewelry can sometimes turn your skin green. Brass Based Matha Patti In White Enhanced With Stone And Beads Brass and green skin. Brass color skin . Actually it s totally normal. Regardless none of these refer to color. Copper alloys are more real to me and can always be restored by cleaning. In a rgb color space hex b5a642 also known as brass is composed of 71 red 65 1 green and 25 9 blue. While pure copper cannot be absorbed by the skin copper chelates can. Then the metal dulls and darkens and leaves a green mark on my skin. So if copper is considered healing and has been used for so long in human history why is it that people have learned to live with green skin. We ve all been there. And the sole of their feet was like the sole of a calf s foot. No human has brass colored feet anywhere in the world. Personall...