In the event that you should look over his desk you would find it packed with heaps of paperwork notes and publications. Home office ideas for men your home office is more than just a workspace. 35 Masculine Home Office Ideas Inspirations Masculine Home There s no reason a little sunlight should cramp your decorating style. Home office decor ideas for men . A masculine home office can be done in lots of colors. Read more officedesign officefurniture homeoffice bedroomdiydecorations. You can choose any style you like for a masculine home office but. Keep the furniture in sync with the existing pieces here it s black and blush so it blends seamlessly with the entire look. Though the notion of some small work space may turn you into a little claustrophobic a number of the biggest businesses now started in cramped basements and cabinets. Think leather tobacco sports and liquor. The basics behind masculine design. This is the essence of what typically impresses us as m...